Quality nutrition advice you can trust is hard to come by.

Hey, I'm Mary.

Mom, Crossfit coach, competitive athlete, and owner behind Evolve Nutrition.

I began nutrition coaching because I saw two massive problems in the fitness and nutrition space.

Problem #1: The amount of information available is overwhelming. A quick Google search of "Best diet" will have you sifting through hundreds of blog posts, ads, and programs promising fast results. That leaves you to do the research, all while leaving you questioning which path would be right for YOU so you don't waste your time. That overwhelm keeps you stuck in planning mode.

Problem #2: The vast majority of plans are restrictive, cookie-cutter for the masses, and designed for fast results rather than sustainable ones. That leaves you with a generic plan that leaves you feeling depleted and deprived without the results you want.

You're FED UP with yo-yo diets, being hungry, constantly fighting cravings, and following "rules" that get you no where.

You would love a plan that you're confident will get you results without having to sacrifice your favorite foods - or sanity - in the process. You just don't know where to start.

How do I know? Those quick fix diets drew me in, too.

Like many, my health journey began with wanting to lose weight. So I started watching what I ate, cut out sugary foods, and began exercising.

I bought all the magazines and read all the advice forums. What started innocently enough quickly turned into under-eating and over-exercising.

I hopped from low calorie diet to diet for years.

Eventually, my metabolism was so slow that eating normally for a day would cause me to bloat uncomfortably. If I wanted to keep the weight off, I had to exercise for multiple hours a day and give up all the foods I loved. As soon as I stopped a diet, I gained much more weight than I had lost previously. 

Deep down I knew I couldn't sustain that life. At least, not enjoyably. I began to believe I would have to spend my life dieting or else lose all my results.

It wasn't until I began eating MORE that results began falling into place.

Sounds counterproductive, right? I thought so at first, too, but here's what happened instead:

  • I had more energy and experienced less soreness after workouts so I could give more in my training sessions.
  • I built more lean muscle and improved strength.
  • I no longer felt bloated and uncomfortable after eating carbs.
  • My body shed fat more effortlessly (and without a ton of cardio!)

My mindset completely transformed from what I thought I needed to do to have the physical results I wanted. And after YEARS of yo-yo dieting, I was finally free.

Which is why Evolve Nutrition coaching revolves around one critical belief: fueling your body for optimal results.

We believe you can get the body, workout, and performance results you want...even if you've tried everything before.

Our coaching is founded on 3 main values:

#1 Your Transformation

We're not just talking physical transformation, although that's a huge part of it. Our main priority is helping you achieve the physical, body, and performance goals you' want without the restriction you don't.

#2 Support

Change is scary and takes a lot of trust in the process. That's why we value close accountability and coaching so along the way.

#3 Lasting Results

What's a program worth if it doesn't help you KEEP your results? We're putting an end to yo-yo dieting, meaning this will the last nutrition plan you'll ever need. Not only will your plan be enjoyable and fit for YOU, you'll also learn the inside of our process so you'll keep ad continue making results for life.

Ready to see what it's all about?

Check Out Our Programs